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Suggested Reading

Here are a few of the books we recommend to our clients:

What Management Is – by Joan Magretta and Nan Stone
Simplifies concepts of how business works, what management is and how it is done with integrity. Provides great insight for those launching their careers.

The Office Survival Guide – by Marilyn Puder-York
Is your work environment like seventh grade, full of cliques and competition? Explains how to handle difficult bosses, bullies, and more.

Linked – by Albert-Laszio Barbarasi
Applies systems thinking to career navigation with intriguing and helpful results.

Never Eat Alone – by Keith Ferrazzi
THE best book about networking – why do it, how to do it, how to enjoy doing it and
how to make it work for you.

Complete Confidence – by Sheenah Hankin
If your goals are clear but you need to find the inner confidence to get there, this primer
will help you find the words to ask for what you want.